Everything you must know about Arrhythmia !!!

On arising number of case in the world it is important that we must know about different heart diseases its symptoms and how to protect our heart from it . Arrhythmia is  condition which may due different reasons. So, you should know about it, its symptoms and possible household measures. 

  • Points to be cover :  
  • Arrhythmia
  • Normotopic Arrhythmia 
  • Sinus Arrhythmia , Cause , ECG changes 
  • Sinus Tachycardia,Cause , ECG changes & Treatment
  • Sinus Bradycardia,Cause , ECG changes & Treatment


What  is Arrhythmia ?

It refers to irregular heartbeat or disturbance in Rhythm of the heart. In this,their may be fast heart beat or sloe heart beat or extra heart beat or missed heart beat. 
 Normal Heart beat:                          Normal ECG:


 Normotropic Arrhythmia :     

It is type of arrhythmia in which SA (Sinoatrial) node is the pacemaker.It includes following type of arrhythmia's:     
  1. Sinus Arrhythmia 
  2. Sinus Tachycardia
  3. Sinus Bradycardia  
 1. Sinus Arrhythmia
Its condition in which , the normal increase and decrease of heart rate according to the respiration. In this, Heart rate increases during inspiration and deceases during expiration.
ECG is normal but the duration of the R-R interval varies rhythmically according to the phases of respiration i.e. shorten during the inspiration and wide apart during expiration.

 2. Sinus Tachycardia : 
-It is the increase in discharge of impulse from SA ( sinoatrial) node resulting in increase in heart rate.
-Heart rate increases up to 100 to 150 beats/min . 
-ECG is normal but duration of R-R interval decreases because of increase in heart rate. 

Condition Causing sinus tachycardia : 
Their are physiological and pathological condition causing it as follows - 
Physiological causes : 
  1. Exercise
  2. Emotional
  3. High Altitude
  4. Pregnancy 
Pathological causes : 
  1. Fever 
  2. Anemia  
  3. hyperthyroidism
  4. Hyper secretion of cathecolamines
  5. Cardiomyopathy 
  6. Hemorrhagic shock
Symptoms : 
  1. Palpitations ( feeling of heart beats )
  2. Dizziness
  3. Fainting
  4. Shortness of breath 
  5. Chest Discomfort ( angina )
Treatment : 
  1. Intentional elimination of the triggers or stimulants in your diet such as Caffeine , Nicotine and Alcohol .i.e avoid the drinking of coffee, tea, etc.
  2. Medical drugs that decreases the heart rate Ivabradine  , Beta blockers , calcium channel blockers only on the  Doctor's prescription .  
  3. Respiratory exercises which will improve your heart health.               

3. Sinus Bradycardia : 

-In this condition their is reduction in the discharge of impulse from SA node result in decrease in heart rate. 
-ECG is normal but the duration of R-R interval increases due to deceased heart rate    
 Condition causing the Sinus Bradycardia : 
 Their are physiological and pathological condition causing it as follows - 
  Physiological Conditions : 
  1. sleep ( during sleep heart rate deceases ) 
  2. Athletic heart.
 Pathological Conditions : 
  1. SA node Diseases
  2. Hyperthermia 
  3. Hyperthyroidism 
  4. Heart attack 
  5. Congenital heart Disease
  6. Disintegration of heart due to aging 
  7. Increased intracranial pressure 
  8. Drugs like Beta blockers, Digitalis
  9. Atherosclerosis
Features : 
  1. Sick Sinus Syndrome characterized by dizziness and unconsciousness.
  2. fatigue 
  3. Weakness
  4. Shortness of breath 
  5. Difficulty in exercise.
Treatment : 
  1. Treating the underlying disorder i.e this condition may be caused due to disorders like hyperthyroidism  so ,by treating it we can correct the sinus bradycardia.
  2. Their may be intake of drugs which decreasing the heart rate of the patient. By correcting the quantity of drugs or changing it can help the heart for normal beating.
  3. Implantation of the pacemaker is the last option to treat the disease .in this artificial pacemaker is implanted in the heart which monitors the heart rate and generate the impulse to correct the heart rate.
Summery through animation: 

ECG changes during normal heart rate.





