
Showing posts from June, 2020

Everything you must know about Arrhythmia !!!

On arising number of case in the world it is important that we must know about different heart diseases its symptoms and how to protect our heart from it . Arrhythmia is  condition which may due different reasons. So, you should know about it, its symptoms and possible household measures.  Points to be cover :   Arrhythmia Normotopic Arrhythmia  Sinus Arrhythmia , Cause , ECG changes  Sinus Tachycardia,Cause , ECG changes & Treatment Sinus Bradycardia,Cause , ECG changes & Treatment                      What  is Arrhythmia ? It refers to irregular heartbeat or disturbance in Rhythm of the heart. In this,their may be fast heart beat or sloe heart beat or extra heart beat or missed heart beat.     Normal Heart beat:                          Normal ECG:                   Normotropic Arrhythmia :      It is type of arrhythmia in which SA (Sinoatrial) node is the pacemaker .It includes following type of arrhythmia's:       Sinus Arrhythmia  Sinus Tachycardia Sinus Bradycar